Thursday, November 8, 2012

Conceptual Word Portrait

Another week another assignment that I get to have fun with. The assignment was to choose a word from a list and then create that feeling or whatever it may be in a portrait. The word I chose was "desire" and I went about in a very simple manner. There are many ways one can portray emotion and feelings in a portait, I went with facial expressions and I'm relying on the viewer to visualize and interpret their own desires. The lovely model is a fellow classmate and she gave off a wonderful feeling with her face after trial and error with direction. I'm really enjoying doing portraiture and can see myself exploring more in this interesting field. 

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Illustrative Portrait

Finally, this week I had enough time to get out some good photography. Portraiture, one of my favorite niches in photography was on deck this week. A mix of available light, strobes and full body self portraits are some of the things I explored with this assignent. Enough talking, I'll let the imagery speek for itself.