Wednesday, October 3, 2012


In this weeks edition of P.E, a good friend and I drove up to San Francisco's famous viewpoint "Twin Peaks". It was the end of an Indian Summer day in the city and the heat did a great job of burning away the fog that would normally cover this fabulous view. However, the heat did nothing to the mosquitos that were on full attack that night, but we soldiered on all in the name of photography. This particular shot came after a number of tries of different exposure settings and focal lengths. I chose this view because of the composition of the street lines that seemed to have their own unique dynamic. It was suggested that I try this again with the HDR technique and maybe some neutral density filters. I agree to a certain point, I'm not the worlds biggest HDR fan but I will re-visit this shot with that technique. As the crowds began to grow larger we decided to leave before it got too crazy, especially as it was after midnight. Overall I am pleased with the end result, the only post processing was adjusting some levels in the foreground and background.

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